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This girl was the first time I met her and I fell in love with her. She had just ended a relationship and was not interested in starting another one. I shared with her my feelings for her via the internet. We stopped speaking and we stopped seeing each other a while later. She is trying to get over her boyfriend and needs some time to process her feelings for him. Now, I feel a lot more for her and she is a great friend. I don’t know if she is into me that way. She said she liked me and that she might be interested in a relationship with me in the future.
I am so bad at understanding women that I might have missed signals that she liked me more than her friends. When it’s time for us to go, we always hug. When she’s in the car, just parked somewhere, she stares at me. Although my friends think she likes me and this is what makes me the most confused in all of my life, If I talk about my feelings towards her and she replies that she wants to be friends or doesn’t want to have a relationship with me, I fear I will likely remain friends with her. I have no idea what she is into.
Relationships cannot be pushed
It seems like everything has turned out perfectly for you. She had time to grieve her boyfriend since your last contact. It’s not worth calling her back. It seems like she is ready to move on. It could have been subconsciously that you knew she was leaving a relationship, and that you weren’t pushing her too hard.
She probably realizes this and likely respects you more because of it. It does not seem like you are lacking interest in her by not calling. Her ex was likely still trying to get over her feelings. Your explanation of the situation is a good one. She said that she liked me and would consider a relationship with me in the future. This automatically indicates to me that there is a good chance you will succeed.
Are you merely following your emotions?
She would have said yes, even if she hadn’t thought to go out with you. Although I love you, I believe we should remain friends. She has been thinking about you in this regard and has already classified you as possible boyfriend material.
You want to tell her how much you love her, and you may feel like you’re going to explode if you don’t. However, you should be careful about this because you don’t want her to be scared. You could make a mistake and it could prove too overwhelming for her.
How you perceive a relationship
Pay attention to her every word and pay close attention to her body language when you charm her. Perhaps you can meet up at lunchtime to discuss your ideas. Watch how she reacts to your stories and jokes. Start small and gradually increase the amount of questions you ask her each day. You should also be aware of whether she isn’t in the mood or isn’t looking at you as yet. You may need to speed up if she is looking. If she’s not looking, then you can wait for her opportunity.
I wouldn’t worry about missing any signals. Is she not still there for you? She would stay with you long enough to let you know if she really wants you. She knows how much she loves you. She may be trying out your company at the moment. Your girl seems to enjoy being around you. You may drive her around when you do activities together, and she will have her own way with the snacks.
What is the point of sabotaging a healthy relationship?
Are you sure what her goals are for your life? Is this arrangement making you happy? Are there any nice things she has done for you, and/or showed that she cares about your feelings? You will have to tell her how you feel on one of your outings. You don’t need to say “I like you” or “I want to be your girlfriend.” Instead, take a walk and tell her, “I think we are good together. What do you think?”
If she answers yes, then you know the answer. However, if she doesn’t say no, it is not the end. It’s better to ask now than later. You could end up spending your time and feelings with a friend, rather than saving it for the right girl. Asking for help will make you feel better. Be brave and do it.